宣讲地点:中关村校区 信息科学实验楼205
宣讲人:昆士兰大学工学院教授Aleksandar D. Rakić
昆士兰大学工学院国际项目主管Grace Li女士
Rakić 教授简介:
Aleksandar D. Rakić leads the Microwave, Photonics, and Communications group at The University of Queensland focusing on the development of technologies for sensing and imaging across the electromagnetic spectrum including microwave, terahertz wave and optical systems.
Professor Rakić’s research focuses on the principles of laser feedback interferometry with semiconductor lasers, and on the application of these principles to imaging and sensing. Rakić group pioneered the development of several world’s first laser-feedback interferometric sensors including systems based on monolithic Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser arrays (VCSELs), blue-green lasers, terahertz quantum cascade lasers and mid-infrared interband cascade lasers.
His current focus is on the development of sensing and imaging systems exploiting the THz spectrum for applications from security and defence to in vivo biomedical imaging. His other principal contributions relate to the design and characterization of surface-emitting optoelectronic devices (VCSELs and light emitting diodes) and modelling of optical materials.
昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)始建于1910年,位于澳大利亚黄金海岸布里斯班市。昆大是澳洲八大名校联盟成员之一,在QS世界大学排名第46位。优势学科有:生命、工程、理学、经济学、商科、人文学科。我校2014年与该校建立了能源材料联合研究中心。